Tuesday, February 23
Marina Day

Gen's last day in SG before heading back to down under...
We wasted no time and started our day bright and early (just for you!) with brunch at our long awaited rider's cafe!

Her rider's brekkie

and my pancakes which were delish!

and we galloped away to......................

The southern most part of SG (not Sentosa, you dud!)

The view was fantabulous!!!!
and so was the weather

I am so loving gen's LEICA lens!
Anyway, on a side note, i think the singapore flyer which used to be the most prominent icon of the singapore skyline has been overshadowed by the towering marina sands!

The singapore skyline which is constantly evolving

We're loving it!

Did i mention that it was windy?

Went for a short educational tour of the barrage which was interactive and truly enjoyable.
The company matters too, of course!

Took some touristy photos together

I absolutely am loving Marina Barrage!!
The place is real cool!

From our educational tour, we learnt that there are a series of nine crest gates at this dam at the mouth of the Marina Basin.
The crest gates at the dam would be activated to release storm water into the sea to prevent flooding.

A parting shot at the Marina Barrage before we whizzed off to........

Marina Bay Golf Club

OMG.. the view here is also fantastic!

My dear gen snoozing away while i bask in the sun of the Marina Bay fairways

Isn't Singapore beautiful?

liz is supercalifragillisticexpialidocious.-
1:33 PM

Tuesday, February 9

Top 5 Fashion Faux Pas

I know ironclad rules for fashion are silly and pointless as people want to stand out and differentiate themselves with their own unique style. But some things just work or it doesn't. So here are 5 things that ABSOLUTELY do not work at ALL!

1) The Capri Pants
This is a piece of clothing I would love to hate!
So unless you have Victoria Beckham's dropdead gorgeous figure and legs, please do not wear this unfashionable item as it is off-putting and it only serves to accentuate the cankle (calf and ankle).

2) The Culottes
These piece of clothing is "lottes" uncool!
Some time ago, the culottes were big. It still is now as I am still seeing it around.
Frankly, they just confuse the pants off me.

3) Mismatching Suit
Is there even such a thing? It sounds like an oxymoron!
But yes, there is! And I've seen women wearing it here!
It is after all called a "suit", meaning it comes in a matching suit, aka matching blazer and bottom you dud!

4) Unmanly Man!
I find it utterly unacceptable when a guy carries his wife/gf's handbag.
Hello! It is called a ladies handbag for a reason.
And a guy carrying a handbag, albeit with good intentions, comes off as being downright wussy and henpecked!
Guys, please please PLEASE be a man and STOP carrying your wife/gf's handbag!!!
Channel your thoughtfulness in other ways like holding the door for your woman instead.
If a guy offers to carry mine, I'll write him off immediately, as fast as you can say "handbag"!

5) The Mismatching Belt/Shoes Combi
Nuff' said. Just make sure that the color of your belt matches the color of your shoes.
Also, the finish of your belt and shoes need to match. In other words, if your shoes are shiny, your belt should be shiny as well.

liz is supercalifragillisticexpialidocious.-
11:38 AM

Monday, February 8

For someone who......

1) can't even pronounce my name properly

2) don't even remember whatever i've said, or remember anything... period

I really don't know

Anyway, nuff' said... What i do know is that looking at these lovelies brighten up my day!

2.55s and Bottega woven bag

touched by an angel...
who better to safeguard your rings?

Check out those calves!

{via: jakandjill}

liz is supercalifragillisticexpialidocious.-
11:58 AM

Wednesday, February 3

The Manner of A Person

This is something I read from the sartorialist that is so very true...

The "manner" of a person. "Manner" is not something you can learn from a book. Unfortunately, it is something you just have to be or develop.

A great scene of modern manner on '30 Rock' the other day:

"Liz and Jack went out to dinner at a very chic restaurant. As they sat down at the table, Jack immediately moved the candle from the center of the table to the side of the table. Liz looked at him kinda funny, not understanding why he did that, but not really caring either. Later, however, when Liz reached across the table to steal some of Jack's food (as she always does), she realised he moved the candle so her sleeve wouldn't catch fire when she reached across the table. Jack's manners and graces were so attuned to her as a friend, that he knew her moves before she did. That tiny gesture ended up becoming the pivotal moment of the episode and changed the course of their business relationship."

Ahhhhhhh.... guys, women notice the small stuff.

They notice the gentleness/gentlemenliness more than if you own a nice ride, wear nice shoes or adorn a nice timepiece on your wrist.

liz is supercalifragillisticexpialidocious.-
4:09 PM

Tuesday, February 2


there is a chao (ta) ah lian here


liz is supercalifragillisticexpialidocious.-
12:40 PM

the consecrated one

It's not about who i am but who my GOD is.

Retail therapy
Checking out cars
Wine & Dine
Running & running
Sussing out bargains
Sucking a lollipop
Paris Hilton


Walking dogs
Having a good time
Baking extra decadent chocolate chip cookies


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